Shengyuan Fire Fighting Equipment CO.,Ltd.
Wushan Village, Xiaoyue Street, Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China
Don’t Put out the Fire. Prevent the Fire. We can never be careless, as fires are merciless. That’s why fire protection is always so pivotal. We understand the significance. That’s why we only provide high quality fire extinguishers. We are fast, in terms of flame quenching, product production and business communication. We are accurate, in terms of putting out fire, quality achievement and pricing structure. We are effective, in terms of fire extinguishing and brand reputation delivery. We are a family enterprise, and we prefer to treat each consumer like family member and provide support at our best. When fire accident happens, it is your life and wealth that a small fire extinguisher protects.Categories: Fire & Safety Equipment.